ECOWAS reviews interim report on Abidjan-Lagos corridor highway project

Dr. Omar Alieu Touray President at Economic Community of West African States
Dr. Omar Alieu Touray President at Economic Community of West African States | Twitter Website

The Directorate of Transport of the ECOWAS Commission, in collaboration with the Directorates of Trade, Customs & Taxation and Free Movement, coordinated a technical workshop to review and validate the Interim Report on the Trade and Transport Facilitation Study of the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway in Lomé, Togo from June 27 to 29, 2024.

As part of implementing the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway Development Project, the ECOWAS Commission commissioned a consultant to develop a comprehensive Trade and Transport Facilitation framework. This framework aims to guide corridor operations concerning cross-border trade, customs, movement of goods, vehicles, and persons along the highway.

The framework is expected to align with existing international, continental, and regional texts on trade and transport facilitation. It seeks to provide a simplified corridor-wide system that ensures seamless transit with minimal stops. Specific provisions include corridor connectivity, transit regimes, preferred trader schemes, cross-border vehicle insurance, integrated border management, ICT connectivity, and information sharing on customs and immigration at national and regional levels.

In line with the study's Terms of Reference (ToR), experts from Corridor Member States, ECOWAS Institutions, and stakeholders from the trade sector convened to review and validate the draft Interim Report received from the Consortium conducting the study.

Mr. Chris Appiah, Acting Director of Transport at ECOWAS Commission welcomed participants by emphasizing "the importance of the Trade and Transport Facilitation component for operationalizing the Corridor Highway upon completion." He noted that "the recommendations should cover short- to medium-term interventions for current trade facilitation along with a long-term framework for future operations."

He acknowledged contributions from related sectors such as Free Movement and highlighted participation from partners led by African Development for a holistic review process.

Mr. Ibi Terna, Director Highway Planning and Development at Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Works and Chairman of the meeting stated in his opening remarks that "Trade and Transport Facilitation are key aspects" critical for unlocking "the full potential" of this project.

The Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway is part of a larger Dakar-Lagos Corridor initiative aimed at fostering Regional Integration and Sustainable Development. It remains one of ECOWAS's flagship priority development programs.

