Proposal for repurposing Barnview property gains government approval

Nigel Phillips CBE, Governor of St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Nigel Phillips CBE, Governor of St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | Official website

The St Helena Government has addressed public interest concerning the future of Barnview, a Crown property. Originally transferred to the Crown Estate by the Health and Social Care Portfolio in March 2020, Barnview had been vacant for five years following an assessment that deemed it unsuitable for care services under current health standards. The building, which opened in 1988, would have required significant financial investment to meet these standards.

Changes in service delivery now favor settings that support independent living, leading to care services being provided at Ebony View and Piccolo Hill instead.

A proposal from a private individual to repurpose Barnview as affordable accommodation primarily for healthcare key workers has garnered support from both the Economic Development Portfolio and Health and Social Care Portfolio. This initiative aims to address challenges such as attracting healthcare workers and providing affordable housing.

The proposal was submitted under Section 3.2 of the Land and Buildings Disposal Policy 2016 (LBDP2016) and approved by the Estates Strategy Panel, contingent on obtaining planning consents, payment of commercial rent, and lease terms ensuring proper management.

Currently undergoing the standard planning process as per the Land Planning and Development Control Ordinance 2013, if successful, lease negotiations will follow.

The St Helena Government emphasizes transparency in decisions regarding Crown property. The draft Property Disposal and Purchase Policy 2024 is under review after public consultation. This new policy aims to enhance transparency and efficiency in managing Crown Estate assets with annual assessments of operational buildings and a clearer framework for declaring surplus assets.

