ECOWAS holds workshop on case management in Togo

Dr. Omar Alieu Touray President at Economic Community of West African States
Dr. Omar Alieu Touray President at Economic Community of West African States | Official website

From June 10 to 14, 2024, in Lomé, Togo, the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA) is conducting a training workshop for national stakeholders on case management in consumer protection. The ERCA, which represents ECOWAS on consumer protection issues, is tasked with implementing Directive A/DIR.2/07/23 on consumer protection. This directive was adopted by the Authority of Heads of State and Government at their ordinary session on July 9, 2023, in Bissau.

The objective of the training is to enhance understanding among relevant players in Member States regarding the provisions and implications of this directive. Key topics include the importance of competition policy for consumers, roles of consumer protection bodies, handling consumer protection cases, involvement of consumer association groups, policy advocacy, consumer education and empowerment, sector-specific consumer protection issues, and managing cross-border consumer protection challenges.

Speakers at the opening ceremony included Dr. Simeon KOFFI, Executive Director of ERCA; Ambassador Barros Bacar BANJAI, ECOWAS Resident Representative to Togo; and Mr. Comlan YAKPEY, Secretary General representing Mrs. Kayi MIVEDOR-SAMBIANI, Minister of Trade, Crafts and Local Consumption of Togo.

Dr. KOFFI expressed appreciation for the high-level attendance at the opening ceremony and outlined that the workshop marks the beginning of a broader training program for national and regional stakeholders on consumer protection as part of ERCA's mission. He emphasized that this initiative aims to build stakeholder capacity within Member States involved in competition and consumer protection issues while fostering lasting connections between these stakeholders.

Ambassador BANJAI highlighted that close collaboration between ERCA and Member State protection agencies led to adopting the Directive on Consumer Protection during an ordinary session held on July 9, 2023. He noted that this directive seeks to establish a general framework for consumer protection across ECOWAS states aligned with international standards like those set by United Nations guidelines.

He urged Member States to implement measures outlined in the directive amid international changes exposing consumers to political and security-related shocks.

Mr. Yakpey conveyed gratitude from Togo's Ministry of Trade towards ECOWAS for its ongoing support in community programs and projects implementation. He called upon ECOWAS to address smuggling issues hindering competition rules' application and overall growth within Member States effectively.

Yakpey also stressed that despite existing legal instruments at both national and community levels; enforcement gaps persist regarding consumer rights across ECOWAS states necessitating increased awareness among stakeholders about consumer protection matters.
