ECOWAS launches humanitarian aid for flood victims in Togo

Dr. Omar Alieu Touray President at Economic Community of West African States
Dr. Omar Alieu Touray President at Economic Community of West African States | Official website

On June 3, 2024, the ECOWAS Resident Representative in Togo participated in the official launch of humanitarian assistance to victims of the 2022 floods in Togo. This initiative falls under the Mechanism of Humanitarian Response (MEDH) adopted by ECOWAS Member States in 2012. The event took place in Titigbé, Sotouboua Prefecture, Central Region of Togo, under the sponsorship of the Minister of Security and Civil Protection.

The severe rains recorded in West Africa in 2022 caused significant damage to human lives, property, agricultural land, and livestock. Thousands were killed or injured, and millions were displaced. Togo was among the hardest-hit member states alongside Gambia, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. In response to these catastrophic floods, ECOWAS decided to provide humanitarian aid through its Humanitarian Relief Fund. The intervention aims to rehabilitate basic socio-collective infrastructure, strengthen community capacities for future crises, and help affected households restore their livelihoods.

The ceremony was attended by representatives from various organizations including the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection, ECOWAS National Office, World Food Program (WFP), National Civil Protection Agency as well as local political and administrative authorities.

His Excellency Mr. Barros Bacar BANJAI stated that following rapid assessments revealing 45,136 victims including 24,889 people affected by the floods: "This support that Togo obtained from ECOWAS through the National Civil Protection Agency was done as part of the implementation of the project 'Support for post-flood recovery 2022 in ECOWAS member states.'" He mentioned that humanitarian assistance totaling $1,073,778 USD or CFAF 651 million would be provided to vulnerable households experiencing food and nutritional insecurity across nineteen prefectures.

Mr. BANJAI expressed gratitude towards all contributors including government agencies, NGOs, WFP in Togo, international partners and citizens who supported this effort. He also emphasized collective responsibility to mitigate climate change impacts: "It is our collective responsibility to take measures to mitigate these impacts and protect our environment."

The Resident Representative of WFP expressed appreciation for ECOWAS's collaboration on this project which marks a promising partnership serving local populations.

Madam Mayor of Sotouboua 2 voiced gratitude on behalf of beneficiaries: "By this strong act, ECOWAS once again demonstrates interest given to integration through improving living conditions." She highlighted how this support would help flood victims recover their livelihoods especially at the onset of a new rainy season.

The Representative of the Minister of Security and Civil Protection noted that this operation aligns with national crisis response mechanisms: "I would like to express my deep gratitude to ECOWAS Commission which spares no effort supporting government’s national civil protection policy." He urged beneficiaries to use provided items responsibly while conveying thanks from Togolese Minister of Security.

The ceremony concluded with symbolic delivery kits containing over 205 tons food supplies like corn beans fortified vegetable oil iodized salt specialized nutritious flour targeted at malnutrition-prone groups such children under two years pregnant breastfeeding women non-food items included plastic mats buckets basins pots drinking water medicines clothing temporary shelter
