Foxtrot International LDC recently began production for oil and gas investment company RAK Petroleum from a second platform on Block CI-27 offshore at Côte d'Ivoire.
The first well, a Marlin-B1ST, is the first in a five-well drilling campaign that will be developed on two previously discovered fields on the block. Presently, about 1,100 barrels a day are flowing from the site.
The Marlin was installed in April and is part of a four-year, $1 million program. The goal is to bring the Marlin oil and gas field and the Manta gas field on production.
The first platform on the block has been in operation since 1999 and processes gas and liquids from the Foxtrot and Mahi fields.
RAK Petroleum has a one-third ownership of Foxtrot International, which operates Block CI-27 with a 24 percent direct stake.
RAK Petroleum begins production at Côte d'Ivoire