African Development Bank, Senegal to bring water program to West African nation

The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Senegalese Ministry for Water Resources and Sanitation will roll out a $54 million program to make water and sanitation accessible in rural areas.  

The water and sanitation program to be implemented in Senegal is in line with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals' (SDG) No. 6 pledge, which mandates that water and sanitation be available for everyone. 

The Senegalese Minister for Water Resources and Sanitation and current President of African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) Mansour Faye told the West Africa Wire of the program, “The African Development Bank has been by our side from the start and its Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI) has played an important role, particularly to leverage aid for ‘PEPAM’, our rural water and sanitation programs.”

Bai Mass Taal, AMCOW executive secretary, spoke on the implementation of SDG goal No. 6 across the wider continent, "AMCOW, in collaboration with the African Union, the AfDB and other partners, will provide the leadership to mobilize necessary resources for the SDG 6 in Africa. Failure is not an option," he said.

The AfDB's water program is already running worldwide in 33 countries.   
