Millennium Development Goals Nigeria hosted a summit recently titled “The MDGs and the Socio-Economic Transformation of Nigeria: 2015 and Beyond."
The purpose of
the summit was to review implementation of the MDGs in Nigeria and
highlight best practices, key achievements and the contributions of the
development agenda to further national socio-economic transformation.
“Nigeria needs to lead the way in providing leadership for the rest of the continent of Africa in terms of forward-looking strategies that can build on the gains of the MDGs, addressing new and emerging development challenges, as well as stepping up political commitments in terms of financing and institutional frameworks toward implementing the post-2015 development agenda," Dr. Christopher Otabor, head of communications for the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on MDGs and head of the Presidential Summit subcommittee on media and communications.
Attendees at the summit worked toward developing strategies to keep momentum going, as the final push toward achieving Nigeria's MDGs nears. They also reflected on challenges and lessons learned from Nigeria’s effort to achieve MDGs.
Nigeria’s contributions to the post-2015 process also were discussed at the summit, which was backed by the Office of the Special Assistant to the President on the MDGs, in partnership with the United Nations System in Nigeria and the Centre for Law and Socio-Economic Development.
Nigeria's progress toward Millennium Development Goals examined at summit