Better Regulatory Committee put in place for Ghana's BEEP initiative

In an effort to streamline business operations, a Better Regulatory Committee (BRC) has been put in place for programs in Ghana that are funded by the Department for International Development (DFID).

The DIFD is a United Kingdom-based governmental department that administers aid to nations overseas in an effort to promote sustainable development and stem poverty. In Ghana, DIFD funds the Business Enabling Environment Program (BEEP).

The BRC was launched Feb. 18 at a ceremony held at the British High Commissioner's Residence. The announcement was made by Jim McAlpine, the DFID country director for Ghana.

Presently, Ghana ranks 114th out of the 189 economies listed in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Index. The goal of BEEP, which was launched on Oct. 26, 2015, is to make Ghana more competitive in the global business arena by growing its companies and improving services offered by its government entities.

BEEP is a multi-million-dollar program that will span four years. Members of the BRC will work alongside members of the DFID to assist with government reforms and provide DFID officials with progress updates on the program.

The BRC's members are Ghana residents who are educated in investment reform. The committee's chair is Tony Oteng-Gyasi, managing director of Tropical Cable & Conductor Limited. Committee members include Nana Osei Bonsu, CEO of Private Enterprise Federation; Felix Asante, director of the Institute of Social Statistical and Economic Research; Jean Mensa, executive director of the Institute of Economic Affairs; Lucy Quist, managing director of Airtel Ghana; Mawuena Trebah, CEO of Ghana Investment Promotions Council; and Madie E. Arkutu, managing director of Unilever Ghana.
