Bintou Keita of Guinea was appointed the deputy joint special representative for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation
(UNAMID) in Darfur Tuesday.
The appointment was announced by the United Nations secretary-general and African Union Commission chairperson.
Keita succeeds Abdul Kamara of Sierra Leone.
With more than 25 years serving the United Nations, Keita served as Ebola crisis manager in Sierra Leone and chief of staff for the United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response. She has also served in several senior management and leadership positions within the United Nations Children’s Fund in Chad, Congo, Madagascar, Cape Verde, Rwanda, Burundi and New York.
Previously, Keita was deputy executive representative of the secretary-general for the United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi from 2007 to 2010. She has also worked with the United Nations Development Program and the Canadian International Development Agency in Guinea.
Bintou Keita appointed deputy joint special representative for UNAMID