ECOWAS reviews draft country reports on digital market study

Dr. Omar Alieu Touray President at Economic Community of West African States
Dr. Omar Alieu Touray President at Economic Community of West African States | Twitter Website

The ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA) convened a technical review meeting on the digital market study in all ECOWAS Member States from September 9-13, 2024, in Freetown, Republic of Sierra Leone. The meeting aimed to better understand the dynamics of this rapidly growing sector.

ERCA's mandate includes reviewing commercial activities within the ECOWAS Market to regulate practices that may distort market conduct or adversely affect consumers' economic interests. In collaboration with Member States, ERCA conducted a study on digital markets, driven by technological innovations and changing consumer preferences.

Digital technologies have permeated all sectors of the economy. As more entities adopt digital systems, competition authorities face challenges in assessing the conduct of players in these markets. The meeting gathered technical experts from nine Member States contributing to the study. The primary objective was to review draft reports in line with Terms of Reference (ToR), harmonize country reports, discuss methodology, analysis, findings, and conclusions, and finalize the study within the adopted timeline. Additionally, it sought to adopt a roadmap for finalizing and submitting the country and synthesis reports.

During the opening session, Dr. Simeon Koffi, Executive Director of ERCA, welcomed delegates on behalf of Madame Massandjé Toure-Litse, Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture. He thanked Sierra Leone's government through its Ministry of Trade and Industry for hosting the meeting and acknowledged their commitment to implementing Community Competition Rules. Dr. Koffi emphasized that such studies are crucial for assessing digital market landscapes essential for economic development within Member States.

H.E. Harouna Mousa, Resident Representative of the ECOWAS Commission in Sierra Leone, conveyed gratitude from H.E. Omar Alieu Touray, President of ECOWAS Commission. He reiterated ECOWAS’s commitment to deepening economic integration by ensuring fair competition rules enforcement. Mousa stressed that the study is vital for promoting a competitive environment beneficial for overall regional economic development.

Honorable Fatmata Kargbo represented Honorable Alpha Ibrahim Sesay during her opening statement as Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry for Sierra Leone. She welcomed ERCA and experts from Member States while highlighting Sierra Leone’s focus on implementing competition rules and leveraging digital markets for youth employment and supporting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

The meeting concluded with recommendations specific to each Member State’s report and agreed on finalizing the study report along with adopting a roadmap towards conclusion and publication. The closing speech by Sierra Leone’s Minister of Trade and Industry reiterated their commitment to promoting competition and consumer protection in West Africa while thanking ECOWAS for selecting Freetown as the host city.
