Next Einstein Forum promotes science and technology in Africa

The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) recently initiated a worldwide call for the support of science and technology in Africa as the continent is expected to be one of the largest worldwide economies in the near future.

The event will be held in Daka, Senegal, starting March 8 and ending on March 10. The organizers expect 700 participants from approximately 80 different countries. Fifty-one percent of these participants are youth and 40 percent of the participants are women.

“The NEF Global Gathering will unveil Africa’s global contributions to science and technology and as the forum opens on International Women’s Day, we will specifically acknowledge the contributions and address the challenges faced by female scientists,” Thierry Zomahoun, NEF chair, president and CEO of AIMS, said.

The forum includes a video titled “Can the next Einstein come from Africa?” and encourages game changers from throughout Africa and the world to offer support to the renaissance occurring in Africa.

“A great idea can come from anywhere in the world, and there is no doubt that new and novel scientific ideas to solve global health challenges will come from Africa,” Seema Kumar, vice president, Innovation, Global Health and Science Policy, Johnson & Johnson, said. “The scientific talent in Africa is outstanding with the potential to produce the next Einstein, Pasteur or Madame Curie. The world needs the best science from across the globe to solve the medical challenges of our lifetime like HIV, TB and other infectious diseases like Ebola and Zika virus, and non-communicable diseases like hypertension and diabetes.”
